Today I stumbled upon a neat new module by Doug Finke that I can see being useful to add a bit of visual flair to your object data. OutTabulatorView is a brand new module that creates a HTML/CSS/JS based output to easily bring your data to life. Some features I find interesting are: progress charting, star based rating, true/false imaging, and grouping. While this feels like a bit of a proof of concept, I really think it could evolve into something on a much higher scale. Now that this is out there I’m excited to see if anyone has more in-depth ideas to take this to the next level. If so, please feel free to reach out and keep me informed to get the info out to the community.

Credit: Doug Finke

The current version is available on the PowerShell Gallery, and can be installed with the following command:

Install-Module -Name OutTabulatorView

Check it out for yourself over at